English Department

English Department
  • The English department is committed to students’ academic, social and emotional growth. Our learning experiences are grounded in the foundational skills of a successful life: reading, writing, speaking and listening. By exposing students to literature from diverse perspectives, both classic and current, students learn to appreciate the world around them, to connect their shared history and culture, and to reflect on how they contribute to that world. Through our work, we strive to empower students to become active readers, critical thinkers and strong communicators as they choose their own pathway to success beyond high school.

  • Mrs. Colleen McWalter, Division Chair
    (708) 398-1322   Email

    Ms. Ruth Bittorf
    (708) 398-1278   Email

    Mr. Jason Burns
    (708) 398-1359   Email

    Ms. Jolie Burns-Casey
    (708) 398-1285   Email

    Mr. Nicholas Codiamat
    (708) 398-1327   Email

    Ms. Chrystal Gryz
    (708) 398-1314   Email

    Ms. Julia Mackel

    Ms. Theresa McInnes
    (708) 398-1302   Email

    Mr. Chris Mikulskis
    (708) 398-1339   Email

    Ms. Nicole Pardol

    Ms. Terri Pool
    (708) 398-1350   Email

    Ms. Anera Reid
    (708) 398-1371   Email 

    Ms. Kelsey Ryan

    Mr. Dan Truffa
    (708) 398-1315   Email

    Ms. Michelle Vucsko
    (708) 398-1308   Email