Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)


  • Evergreen Park Community High School District 231 remains committed to open communications and transparency in a variety of ways, including the Freedom of Information Act. Please submit FOIA requests in writing by briefly, but specifically, stating the public records needed and forwarding to EPCHS using one of the following methods. District 231 will respond to a FOIA request within 5 business days (21 days for commercial requests), which is the time allowed by law.  A 5-day extension is allowed in some circumstances. In such cases, the requester will be notified in writing. If additional information is needed, call (708) 398-1231.

    Email a FOIA Officer

    Thomas O'Malley, Superintendent  Email

    Sheri Sochacki, Executive Secretary      Email

    Terry Masterson, Director of Facilities     Email

    Mail or In-Person Delivery

    FOIA Officer
    Evergreen Park Community High School
    9901 S. Kedzie Avenue
    Evergreen Park, IL 60805


    (708) 424-7947